Xavier Favre-Bulle

Address Route de Chêne 30, 1211 Geneva 17, Switzerland
Phone (+41) 58 450 70 00
Fax (+41) 58 450 70 01
Nationality Swiss
Education – Licence en droit (LLB), Faculty of Law, University of Geneva (1988)
– Diplome d’etudes superieures en droit (LL.M.), Faculty ofLaw, University of Geneva (1991)
– Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence (Italy),(1992)
– Ph.D., Faculty ofLaw, University of Geneva (1998)
Bar Admission Geneva Bar and Swiss Bar Associations, International Bar Association (IBA)
Work Experience Dr. Favre-Bulle’s practice concentrates on dispute resolution (arbitration as counsel or arbitrator, ADR, court litigation). He has been involved in more than 170 arbitrations (e.g. sales agreements, agency & distribution, licences, joint ventures, shareholders agreements, post-M&A disputes, etc., in various business industries such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, banking, energy, construction, luxury goods, sports [in particular before the Court of Arbitration for Sport], etc.). At Lenz & Staehelin in Geneva, Dr. Favre-Bulle leads the Arbitration group and the Sports law group. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and the author of some 55 books and articles.
Present Position Partner at Lenz & Staehelin
Past positions lecturer in law at the University of Versailles (Master “Arbitration and International Business Law”).
Lecturer in law and founding member of the Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Lecturer in law at the University of Zurich (LL.M. “International Sports Law”).
Member of the ADR Commission of the Geneva Bar Association.
Former Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry(2002-2012) as well as the Arbitration Committee and Special Committee of the Swiss Chambersof Commerce (2004-2012).
1988- 1994 Research assistant, Commercial Law Department, University of Geneva.
1994- Joined Lenz & Staehelin.
1999- College of Law, London (UK) Visiting foreign lawyer, Herbert Smith, London. 2000 – Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England & Wales.
2003-Partner at Lenz & Staehelin
Publications [co-authors: Frey H., Aebi M.] Arbitration procedures and practice in Switzerland, in: Practical Law multi-jurisdictional guide to arbitration, 2014/2015
Case Notes on International Arbitration [Switzerland, 2012-2013], in: RSDIE/SZIER, 2/2014, 297-336[co-author: Patocchi P.M.] Case Notes on International Arbitration (II) [Switzerland, 2013], in: RSDIE/SZIER, 3/2013, 541-560[co-author: Patocchi P.M.] Case Notes on International Arbitration (I) [Switzerland, 2013], in: RSDIE/SZIER, 2/ 2013, 305-334[co-author: Mufioz E.] Monismo y dualismo de las leyes de arbitraje: z,Son todas elias dualistas?, in : Arbitraje Internacional Pasado, Presente Y Futuro, Libro Homenaje a Bernardo Cremades e Yves Derains, Vol. 2, Lima, 2013, 1437-1454
Le Reglement Suisse d’ Arbitrage International(« Swiss Rules»): de 2004 ala revision (Iegere) de 2012, Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales (RDAI), 2013, 21-39[co-author: Babel C.] Contrat de Transaction, in: Marchand S./Chappuis C./Hirsch L. (ed), Recueil de contrats commerciaux, Modeles commentes selon le droit suisse, Basle, 2013, 1281-1298[co-author: Viret M.] First Arbitral Award Set Aside for Breach of Substantive Public Policy in Switzerland (the “Matuzalem saga”), in: Revista de Mediac,:iio e de Arbitragem (Bresil), Vol. 35, 2012, 393-408[co-author: Nessi S.] The 2012 Swiss Rules oflnternational Arbitration: an Overview, in: Arbitra-tion News – Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, Vol. 17, No 2, September 2012, 68-71
Recent amendments to the CAS Code (2010-2012), in: GSLTR (Global Sports Law and Taxation Reports), 2012/2, 46-50[co-authors: Frey H., Lengenhagger F., Nessi S.] 2012 Revisions to the ICC and Swiss Rules on Arbitration: the Codification of New Trends in International Arbitration, in: Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional Guide 2012/20-13, Dispute Resolution, Vol. 2: Arbitration (6th ed.), 25-30[co-author: Patocchi P.M.] Case Notes on International Arbitration [Switzerland, 2010], in: RSDIE/SZIER 2012, 365-408[co-author: Viret M.] Les arbitres siegeant en Suisse sont bien egaux devant l’exigence d’independance et d’impartialite, in: Petites Affiches- Chronique Arbitrage 22.02.2011, No 37
Les mesures provisionnelles, in: Bochatay D./Bonomi A. (ed.), Arbitrage interne et international, Geneva, 2010, 83-107[co-author: Nessi S.] Fregates de Taiwan: Comment une procedure penale fran<;aise peut conduire a Ia revision d’une sentence arbitrale rendue en Suisse, in: Les Cahiers de I’ Arbitrage/The Paris Journal oflnternational Arbitration, 2010-3, 897-914

Arbitrage, cocaine et Tour de France, in: Petites Affiches – Chronique Arbitrage 12.10.2010, No203[co-author: Wittmann A.] Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution 2009, Law Business Research
50 Years of the New York Convention on Enforcement of Awards: Conventional Wisdom and Recent Developments, in: MUller C./Rigozzi A. (ed.), New Developments in International Com-mercial Arbitration 2008, Zurich [etc.] 2008,61-79[co-author: Viret M.] L’interet de Ia lutte contre le dopage confirme par le Tribunal federal, in: Jus letter 19.05.:2008[co-author: Wittmann A.] Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through- Arbitration 2008, Law Busi-ness Research
Intervention of Third Parties and Amicus Curiae: Whose Amicus?, in: Mantilla-Serrano F. (ed.), Arbitraje internacional : Tensiones actuales, Bogota 2007, 303-326[co-authors: Vermeil G.Niret M.] Droit du sport et arbitrage international: les recents enseigne-ments du Tribunal federal, in: Jusletter 20.11.2006
Arbitrage et reglement alternatif des litiges (ADR): Une autre justice pour les consommateurs ?, in: Droit de Ia consommation, Liber amicorum Bernd Stauder, Geneva – Zurich – Basi, 2006, 95-121
Are Arbitration Proceedings Still Exclusively Reserved for the Parties?, in: Towards a Uniform International Arbitration Law? New York- Bern, 2005, 203-245
Le contrat electronique, in: Le contrat dans tous ses etats, Bern, 2004, 175-206
La vente internationale d’un produit defectueux selon Ia Convention de Vienne, in: Chappuis C./Winiger B. (ed.), Responsabilites objectives, Joumee de Ia responsabilite civile 2002, Geneva-Zurich- Basle 2003, 105-144
Les consequences du non-paiement de Ia provision pour frais de !’arbitrage par une partie. Un tri-bunal arbitral peut-il condarnner un defendeur au paiement de sa part de l’avance de frais?, in: ASA Bulletin 2/2001, 227-245
Les paiements transfrontieres dans un espace financier europeen, Basel/Frankfort/ Brussels 1998, 575 pagesLanguagesFrench, English, German